Art consulting

Transform your space with art consulting from A to Z

The journey from discovering pieces you love to enjoying them daily in your space involves steps like research, art selection, logistics, and installation. Managing all these steps can be time-consuming.

As an independent art advisor, I ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience, handling the administrative and practical hurdles for you and seeking out the perfect pieces that resonate with your needs. Transforming your space into a dynamic and unique environment that fosters connections and sparks inspiring conversations.

Finding the pieces you love

There are unique challenges when it comes to buying art, and that's why I take care of everything, ensuring a seamless experience:

  • Limited time to explore the market?
    I research the market thoroughly and create curated selections, so you don't have to spend hours to find the pieces you love.

  • Lack of art market knowledge or connections?
    I stay current with the latest market trends, attending numerous exhibitions and art fairs while maintaining close ties with artists, gallerists, and collectors.

  • Uncertain about the practicalities?
    I coordinate logistics and art handling, ensuring a professional delivery and installation for a stress-free experience.

  • Need for strategy?

    I strategically focus on building a longlasting art collection that brings value to you and supports the artists and the broader arts ecosystem.

  • Not interested in dealing with paperwork?
    I handle all necessary paperwork seamlessly, taking care of the details for you.

What’s included?

Preparation & Personal Visit

To get an overview of your expectations and collection needs, we prepare a personal visit. This ensures that our time together is optimized to align with your art preferences, availability, and budget. I visit your space and we talk about your artistic style, agree on timeframes, and explore the specific areas in your space where you desire art.

Online Platform

Following this personal session, you receive a clear and well-organized online summary of our discussion. This includes a detailed overview of your art profile, relevant resources we discussed, and a compilation of your favorite works identified during the session.

Ongoing Updates

I present a curated selection of art pieces or artists tailored to your artistic needs. If desired, we can schedule an online call to discuss the work and / or book an artist studio visit.

Art Fair Experience

You can choose to also attend art fairs together. I'll create and guide a personal tour exclusively for you.

Artwork Acquisition Management

Once you've decided on a piece, I handle everything from communication with the gallery/artist, paperwork, logistics, installation, to, if necessary and desired, insurance.

Practicalities & questions

Sounds like something for you? Or still some questions? Send me an e-mail at and let’s get to know each other.